August 28, 2024

Echeveria harmsii vs pulvinate: A beginners Guide to Identification

Echeveria harmsii is very similar to the Echeveria pulvinate “Frosty”, both plants have grey-green to bluish leaves with a farina coat. However, for “Echeveria harmsii vs […]
August 27, 2024

5 Echeveria pulvinata Varieties: Ideal for a Colorful Succulent Collection

Echeveria pulvinata is characterized by its fuzzy, velvety leaves. However, this popular Succulent comes in various stunning colours, including shades of green, pink, red, and purple, […]
August 26, 2024

3 impressive Echeveria setosa Types: All You Must Know

Echeveria setosa types include Deminuta, Minor, Cristata. In this post, you will find their aesthetics and features which help you distinguish these varieties and choose the […]
August 25, 2024

Identify 3 Elegant Echeveria nodulosa Varieties for Any Decor: Tried and True

Among captivating succulents, Echeveria nodulosa is characterized by its unique, knobby stems and rosette-shaped clusters of leaves which often have a powdery coating. The leaves are […]
August 24, 2024

Echeveria Identification: Do it Easily with my Tested Ways

For Echeveria identification you must consider some key characteristics like its Succulent type leaves that are often arranged in rosette patterns which can come in green, […]
August 21, 2024

Echeveria Devotion Vs Ruby Slippers: All You Need to Distinguish

Echeveria devotion whose correct name is Echeveria pulvinata “Devotion” is a stunning small compact succulent with green leaves that are burgundy in tips. However, Echeveria ruby […]
August 19, 2024

Echeveria devotion vs pulvinate: Do it Easy!

Echeveria Devotion is a cultivar of Echeveria pulvinata. So, its correct name is Echeveria pulvinata “Devotion “. Actually, Echeveria pulvinate is an originate species with several […]
August 18, 2024

Echeveria Benitsukasa VS Nodulosa: An Easy Tested Way to Distinguish

Echeveria nodulosa is known for its rosette shape and often green leaves with reddish to pink hues. However, Echeveria benitsukasa’ is a well-known cultivar of Echeveria […]
August 17, 2024

Final Answer to Echeveria Neon Breakers VS Shaviana

Echeveria Neon Breakers is a hybrid generated from crossing Echeveria shaviana and Echeveria cante. Hence, it inherits some features of its mother and similar to Echeveria […]
August 13, 2024

Echeveria imbricata vs elegans: An Easy and Reliable Way to Distingush

To distinguish between Echeveria imbricata and Echeveria elegans focus on their leaf shape and habit growth.  In summary to Echeveria imbricata vs elegans, the shape of […]
August 12, 2024

5 Stunning Large Echeveria Varieties Which you Must Add to your Indoor Decor

If you like me Echeverias for their lovely rosette form, here are large Echeveria varieties that can grow quite large including Echeveria gibbiflora, Echeveria ‘Blue Dude’, Echeveria […]